The Great Depression: A Diary
Ham on Rye

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Book cover image The Great Depression: A Diary
The Great Depression: A Diary
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Book cover image Ham on Rye
Ham on Rye
Great Depression Themed Book   

By Charles Bukowski, no less.

3 years ago
Book cover image This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
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Book cover image The Great Depression: A Diary
The Great Depression: A Diary
A Firsthand Account of the Great Depression   

This firsthand account of the Great Depression was written by Benjamin Roth, a lawyer from Youngstown, Ohio. It outlines the state of affairs that he and many other middle-class Americans faced following the crash of the stock market.

Business was tanking and people were spending less money on many services, lawyers included. Roth records not only his own changing financial circumstances, but his personal take on political unrest, mass unemployment, and more in this compelling account.

Financial depressions suck.

3 years ago

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