What is BibTree?

BibTree is a book network. Books are connected to each other in posts that the community provide to form a network graph. For example, for a few books in the Dune science fiction series:

Each red arrow is a post that can be discussed and voted upon. For example:

As books are generally related to each other, we may extend the book network, growing connections that the community believes are meaningful, with discussions and voting on them based on their merits.

Some books lay foundational roots to a subject or genre, others might be surface branches exploring new space. In this way our web of books may resemble a tree. We may traverse this tree to explore literature.

Be it Continuum Mechanics or the fantasy lands of Middle-Earth, ideas in literature build on each other. The aim of BibTree is to draw humanly meaningful connections between written ideas through discussion, and enable anyone to traverse these connections for knowledge, pleasure, and discovery.

Take me to a well-connected book